Friday, November 29, 2013

28 Nov 2013.
For me, this is the worst day in 2013. My first ever car accident happend on this day babe. Hope it will be the first and last time for me ! Seriously guys, please don't freaking use your phone while you're driving. 害人害己 you know ? ..
How on earth can you bang me from the back when all the cars are moving slower than a turtle ? How dare you tell me you are using phone just now? How dare your father still smiling there ? 年轻人驾车是酱的啦 ? SERIOUSLY BRO ? 给你渣到我扁扁。扁到不能再扁 !
Anyway, luckily no people hurt badly because of it. The worst is me i think, mouth bleeding non stop. RIP MYVI ! No car use for whole month, madafaka !

Onzza let's ignore those stupid things. Let's talk about something else :)
Went to Penang with le CAT G6 classmates on Monday ! First time drunk like nobody business. If i'm not mistaken, this is the fourth time in four years i go to Penang for trip ! The only difference is we are driving this time compare to previous years. PENANG OH PENANG ! Their food seriously 无得顶 ( very nice ) man :) ..   Hope there are more to come ! Really glad to know you guys, who say college life is sucks ?


P/S : A little bit update about my course. CAT *
Finally finish my first semester in college life. You know what ? We already taken 9 papers ^ which include Malaysian Studies, Moral & Business English :) .. Looking foward for the second sem' Its time to relax and chill now babe'
每一次和你分开 深深的被你打败 ! #SongOfTheDay

Thursday, November 28, 2013

那一夜 我倒下了。心里想说的 有的没的 像大雨般倾盆而下。人们都说醉后还有三分醒, 而这三分正正是最真实的你。酒后吐真言,曾经的我自我感觉非常良好 曾经的我对他人的眼光从不以为然。昨天的我却很是悲伤 很是忧愁 很是忧闷。换个方式来说 那个我并不是平时的我 而是在心里徘徊好久好久的我。

还记得从前的我 曾说过不会染发 不会这样 不会那样。但偏偏长大后的我 却是朋友中蛮早染发的。有时候真的很好奇 究竟是谁改变了我吗 或是我自己改变了自己。人最怕的莫过于连面对自己都会感到陌生的那一刻。原来大家都是一样 都有自己不能说的秘密。大家都是这样 很是贪心 总喜欢比较别人有的。偶尔会觉得很是不公平。却除却自己比他人好的一面。人生究竟是苦还是甜 ? 又或是苦中一点甜 ? 还是先甜后苦罢? 原来伤心并没有什么时差。情绪泛滥时 一点的卑微 一点的懦弱 都可能让你愁上添忧。

那一夜 我醉了 但人醉心不醉。 好笑可笑 那一夜我笑傻了。感觉好像把十八年想笑的都笑完了。说完了说过了 心里也感觉好多了。听到的听说的 可能也猜透了。我没有他的好 却有他没有的好 人始终没有最好,所以我说大家只有做的更好。那才是生命里最好的好。
写着写着 连自己在写什么东东都不清楚了。
仿佛变得有点傻了。或许傻傻的会好一些。正因为这世界好复杂 都混淆了我想说的话。所以每一次想开口时 都会自觉地保持沉默。怎么了 或许真的是累了罢。

傻傻的 也有傻傻地好。