Wednesday, November 28, 2012


有时候 一些看似微不足道的东西 可能是影响你一辈子的事
换个角度来说 考试前的复习 我们往往会自我感觉良好地删去一些好像不重要的题目
心里总有用不完的借口来说服自己 " 不会出的啦.. 太难了..上次考试出过了..酱多东西写 没有时间给你做的 ... " 好多好多
可考试所出的题目 就是他妈的那么的冷门 你读的它不出 你不读的它偏要出
往往我们从考场出来后 总是怨天尤人
回到家 心情稍微平伏下来 认真的想一想后 就会开始后悔
后悔当初为何会选择放弃 为何忽略这些细节
很奇怪 人就是这样 .. 难以猜透 hmmm :)

没什么 只是一时有感而发 ..

                                                BYE ! (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Random ishhhh.

当朋友们在为明天的生物学考试头疼 开夜车的同时
我却能在这轻轻松松的更新我的部落格 ..
想起来 当初做的这个决定 是没有错的 :)

SPM结束的那一天 中学生涯的大门也正式的关上了
回忆只能回味 当下要做的是 .. 就是为自己的前途着想
有没有想过 毕业后 究竟要到哪儿深造呢 ?
Sunway ? TARC ?
这是我心中想去的,可要在这两个当中取舍 又挺困难的

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work at it :)
A meaning quote from my teacher __ Mr.Tan
Been studying accounting under him since form 4.
What can i say is he is a great teacher, always make us laugh. Always zat us too haha
His passion is one of the reason why i respect him that much. Let's hope i get an A+ for Account in SPM :) .. not to disappoint him huh'

Prom night , Class trip , Tui trip .. just too much things waiting for me to do after SPM !
Can't really wait for it to end now ! Account,Chinese,Econs hmmmm
Longggggggggggggg time never play futsal, leg itchy itchy duhh ! Really hope i can participate in yet another competition with my friends.
Well boon jian, my best friend in 5P1. I think he is kinda weird haha. Work during SPM, too bad he can't make it for class tripppp. Still wish him all the best in the future :)

Such a random postttt ishhhh.
Should back to my revision man, ACCOUNT here i come !
Me is the wish all my science class buddies, GOOD LUCK IN BIO TEST TMR ! #SPM