Friday, May 24, 2013


Just about to have some rest after studying for the whole night, & then you realise why your phone never rang before. You thought it was out of battery or you accidentally press silent. Unfortunately, your phone battery is 90% & it was not in silent mode. Then, you go to your whatsapp contacts & try to find someone to start a conversation. After scrolling up and down for few times, you give up & back to study. Did you ever face such situation before ? Yes or No ? Whatever isit, there are always some nights where music is your only friend. Forever alone .____. Awwww ! 

Will you ever wonder why ? Recently saw a post on facebook .. " 我换了黑色接近一小时才10个like,她换了四分钟就30个like了。妈的,我的黑色不美么? " It might sounds funny , actually i laugh out damn loud :D .. But this is fact ! Obviously this won't happen to you if you are handsome/pretty/popular, people nowadays are just too 现实.  

Mock exam was ended two days ago , my result ? Not really good, i always have faith in myself when it comes to study. But sometimes i think i might be too overrated, nothing come easy hor ! Guess i need some motivation to study much more harder, anyone ? :) 

最近的天气 可真不是开开玩笑。属猪的我或许简直根本没有可能会在鸟不生蛋的深夜起床。但这么一个壮举却在上个星期很无辜的被打破了。怎么啦? 深夜时刻,我爬了起来。身上的汗水淹没了整个床铺。自己有如身处在即将爆发的火山口旁,SIBEH 热 ! 这个时候 忽然很想念家里的 冷 气 机 ! :O

有时候 发现自己已没什么东东可以写时,那其实是件很悲哀的事情。没故事说 并不是因为你词穷 而是因为你的人生很平淡。一切都好像很正常 完全没有远离轨道。但这正常却来得有点不正常。一个没有惊喜却又十分平静的生活,绝非我杯茶。

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mock Exam is coming to town

Welcome back KahHoe Lam :)

忙里偷闲是种习惯 也是一种态度。Final Exam 还有不到两个星期的时间,我也没像以往那样般懒散,吊儿郎当的模样也渐渐离我而去。有没有发现,我开窍了? :D 有人说,大学如果没有好好的利用图书馆这一个宝库 就等于白白浪费了数目不小的学费。所以,图书馆也渐渐成了我第二个家。一个人读书 一个人回宿舍 已经成了一种习惯。不要讲到酱可怜,当然有时也会有几位朋友一块儿读书。

大学的生活没有想象中那么好,当然少少也是因为大家会想了。以往玩闹的日子也是少而又少了。很明显的 你会发现到自己正在真真的成长了。Tsk Tsk,怎么越说越说乏味。当然呢,除了读书 你还能做很多很多东西。参加协会 认识新朋友 和大家互动互动。自己大学想要过怎样的生活 就得看自己怎样去取决 :)

Chicken lo,不知道是不是太久没有写华语的关系 感觉上好像有点牛头不对马嘴 ._________.
我这两个室友 一个来自全马最好的槟城  另一个他来自遥远的柔佛。
两个他都是离乡背井来到 SUNWAY 求学。一个MUFY 一个BUSINESS。
虽然才认识了两个月 但我们一拍即合 不错不错。
还有还有 同住一个屋檐下还有其他房间的。有一个专修 MEDICINE,从早读到晚。
另有两个则跟我有少少的关系 因为他们都是ACCA的考生。只是,这两位师兄倒是有少少的奇怪,不是很多就那么一点点而已。怎么奇怪法? 就是那种会在房间自言自语 又或是喜欢举办迷你演唱会 然后再邀请你一块儿参与 的 那 一 种 奇 怪 ! :O
有时候想一想 会不会是因为ACCA考试的压力太太了 才会有这种异常的举动。但想想下 又不敢再想了 .. 因为我也是就读ACCA的..

Guess what, MA1 mock exam is on Monday & i'm still here. Decided not to study anything tonight since there are still two days left :) Steady please ! Accidentally become a group leader for Moral project , funny weihh ! Hmmm, what we have to do is to organise a carnival game @KampungCempaka which i think is fun :D .. & my group members will be Jowie, KhaiJieh, Fadhli ' OKAY ~
Honestly i think i have to improve my english .______. I should speak more but i have no confident. This is sucks weihhhh. Ya right, it's stupid to compare yourself with others. I know but i still think too much. Sometimes confidence really depends on your height , MAYBE ? HAHA -.-

What i really wish now is to score in FA1 & MA1 Final Exam :) After that, it will be a short 2 weeks break for me to enjoy , BROGA anyone ? JOM ! :)
Life is all about PASSION ! I'm sure all of us don't want to have a boring life right ? Just go and do anything you like, as long as you are happy & it is legal !
P/S : We don't want MAGICIAN * 
One Malaysia , Satu Malaysia !