Saturday, March 23, 2013


21 March 2013, the day when we get to know our SPM result. It doesn't matter if you get a bad result, the only thing that matter is your attitude towards yourself in the future. *CRAPS* No one would expect it to be so quick, it's had been 3 months+ since we took our SPM exam. I thought i was late to school on that day, i mean our judgement day. No one told us when is the actual time. Rumours said that it will be 10am, by that time i'm on my way to school. My beloved Catholic High School :) 
10.45am , everyone was so nervous .. including me ! Felt so excited cause i can finally had a reunion with all my friends. Most of them became pretty & handsome already, no joke ! Their smile killed me. SERIOUS ! :D .. 
And yeah, unsurprisingly our school achieved an excellent result again ! 206 students scored 9As & above ! ROARRRRRRR. Everyone was so happy, my heart beats faster by that time.* LAM KAH HOE * It's my turn ! *Congratulations !* 9As for SPM 2012 ! And for the fucking first time i fucking get a fucking A- for the fucking Science subject ! THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME ! :D .. When i looked at my result, 2A+ .. honestly i expect more than that. I know it sounds arrogant but i really expect more. Anything, it's all over. Called my mum and celebrate with my classmates @Chillies,MidValley. Drove back home safely ! Another day ended with joy.


22 March 2013, advance birthday bash for LeeZongXuan ! :) A small reunion with my TUI gang. Once again only one girl attend our event , yeah you're right ;) That's our AUNTIE LEE aka ANG ESHEN ! Surprisingly OngYingChuan finally attend our event .. after TAIPING,PANGKOR etc :D Haha credits to Arthur Woo for fetching him ! PingPong , sing , guitar , piano. A crazy night well spent with bunch of sakais ! Laugh whole night until your stomach pain, thats the best feeling ever ! :) 
可怜的洪仪轩, 一辈子都要和这样的一堆没有女人缘的男人一起了。所有人都在等你们的那一餐 :) .. 要快咯 不然10年后就变成高龄产妇了 :D
有时候 真正的快乐并不需要做些什么。聚在一起 有说有笑 也能是世界上最幸福的事。

KitKat Chocolate Cake by Auntie Lee ! :) #Eshen

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ONE EGG (18) ! :)

Yooooo. I'm officially 18 years old now. Happy Belated Birthday to myself :) Of cause, 18 years old = LEGAL already. I can do almost anything i want, right ? Thanks for all the wishes my friends. Really aprreciate it a lot :) Alright, finally I made up my mind to continue my education @SunwayCollege'. I will be taking CAT aka Certified Accounting Technician & ACCA for the coming 4 years :) * The Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) is a vocational qualification designed by ACCA that will allow you to support the work ....... blablabla ! * Hard to explain but it's some sort of course which will make you an ACCOUNTANT in the future :) Of cause, you have to pass all the test la -.- Yayaya, I'm aiming to become one of the top accountant in Malaysia HAHAHAHA ! " Some people dream of success while others wake up and work at it * :D

十八岁的感觉 并没有什么特别。
这一年 十八岁的我 正朝往人生的第二阶段。
报读了自己喜欢的科目。当这一切都搞定后 心里却显得有些忐忑 , 深怕做错决定。人, 真的是他妈的奇怪 !
有没有发现 人与人之间能相遇是一种缘分。地球上有123456789....的人,你我之间能够认识彼此 不是所谓的缘分 还能是什么? 从幼稚园到小学到中学再到大学甚至到了社会, 我们认识的人数之不清。但并不是所有的朋友都会陪伴你一生。所以说我们之间的回忆真的有够重要。* Without pain, how could we know joy ? * -fy- 没有了回忆 我们就不懂得要怎么走下一步。写部落格也真好能让以后的我可以刷新一下那模糊的回忆 :)

这世界有很多人。有的表面上帮你 实际上在踩你。有的只会贪你便宜 当你需要帮忙时却总是消失的无影无踪。有的懒到不懂要怎么形容。有的也会雪中送炭。无论如何 求人不如求己。最好的朋友只有自己。


Monday, March 4, 2013

BehtahanBoringLifeMan !

While everyone are busy doing their own stuff, i'm the only one who slack at home everyday. I think most of you would say :" Good la, i want sleep also no time sleep leh !" I know right, when you are busy you wish to have some time to rest. When you are too fucking free, you wish to find some work to do .. to make use of your time .. to cure your own boredness ? This is normal if i ain't wrong.
Just that, i don't really like such lifestyle. UNHEALTHY , BORING ! Everyday wake up -> eat -> play -> eat -> sleep ! Nowadays wanna find someone to hang out seems so fucking hard -.- Really can't wait for college life so start right now. I mean i really have to start learning maybe ? Tsk tsk


人的一生 好比一盘黑白棋 ; 一子错 满盘皆落索。
所以说 千万不要做错决定。:) 紧记。

Friday, March 1, 2013


Welcome back Desmond ! 
28-2-2013, 终于结束了我人生的第一份工作。
人们常说 这个年头 各各都是钱字当头 出来社会工作的人 都很现实。
现实到.. 可以因为钱财而忘了自我 出卖灵魂 什么亲情友情 什么人心道德 统统抛掷脑后。
人心邪恶 人心隔肚皮 难道社会真的那么灰暗吗?
只是 活生生的一个例子在我眼前 我能否认这一点吗?
自古英雄总栽在小人的手上, 提防小人之心不可无。
社会真的如此邪恶吗? 我不知道也不明白。
时而对你有说有笑 时而对你冷嘲热讽 这些人不认识也罢。
办公室里的勾心斗角 比起学校的开开玩笑 来的可怕。
 我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手决定不放 下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望 !

社会之大何必多言 只是有些东西 对于根本还没正式踏出社会的我们 真的来得有点出乎意料。
有时会傻傻的想 生活简单一点就好 糊涂一点就快乐 :)
这出来工作的两个月 给我上了一堂课。有好也有坏 
社会大学这一站 的确获益良多。