只有 一想到了晚餐 有你的笑下饭 漫长的一天才不难捱
穿着 限量版的衬衫 羡慕声不断 也没让我觉得温暖
如果 不是有你呼吸 在皮肤上不散 怎么抵御世界的冷淡
海枯石烂这种大事 与我无关
听过 圣诗般的称赞 嘘寒或问暖 耳朵也开不出花瓣
直到 你在电话那端 问我几点下班 动听得让心花灿烂
攀过 最纯白的雪山 最澎湃的海 回忆也没有更精彩
直到 你侧脸的曲线 在我手心蜿蜒 才懂得什么事最浪漫
伟大的圆满与我们 真的无关
you have to admit that anthony is a great artist ! nice voice and handsome ! : )
Aiseh , tmr got extra double period for account . why why why ? =X
this few days keep stay back to study at library , so if u cant find me , you guys can go to library lmao !
meet yushu today , at the library . actually i'm facing the same problem as her .
don't try to compare yrself with yr friend ! what for ? no one is perfect ! nyahahaa .
left out by friend doesn't feel good *
effort become nothing when someone just don't appreciate it ! =]
today saw a prefect , stupid daooooo gao gao lat ! Hahahaaaaa , what a epic drama ! xD
time to play blackshot , ciaos !